Karen Carter: Software Developer. Maker. Lifelong Learner.
Welcome to My Impulsively Purchased Personal Domains

karen.dev, karencarter.dev, kacarter.dev

I bought these domains for no good reason. Once I discovered that the .dev TLD is still very lightly populated, meaning I can actually get several variants of my extraordinarily common name (first, middle, last, and all combinations thereof are beyond common) without paying big bucks, it was completely irresistable. So here we are. At least it gives me a place to show off random things of which I am proud, such as the 6' in diameter light-up Death Star I built that one time.

As the TLD implies, I'm a software engineer/software developer/programmer whatever you want to call us. I write code and create software for a living. I love programming and creating software. It's my absolute favorite thing in the world. I code all day and most days I wish I could code all night on personal projects, but little things like "eating" and "sleeping" always seem to get in the way.

If you're curious about my work experience check out my LinkedIn, which I keep up-to-date. I also have a dev blog where I write about programming and programming-adjacent content as well as a generic blog which contains a random assortment of content on programming and crafting. I am always aspiring to keep the blogs up-to-date, but thus far have never actually managed it. Perhaps someday. I don't have much on my public GitHub profile because the beginning of my career predates both git and GitHub, but there it is for what it's worth.