Putting Together the LED Laser Array
- 4 or 5 meters of WS2812B (AKA NeoPixel) LED strips with 60 LEDs per meter
- Solder, preferably lead free
- Lighter gauge wire for data connections
- Heavier gauge wire for power
- Heat shrink wrap and/or electrical tape
- Male and female headers
- FadeCandy LED controller
- Mini USB cable
- Power supply capable of supplying 90 Watts/18 Amps (I used an old ATX power supply from a previous computer)
- Connectors to connect up to the power supply (e.g. for ATX, 4 pin molex connectors)
- 3 lengths of .25" wide, 1 yard long light-weight wood, such as balsa
- Something to support the LED strips and hold them in the correct configuration
- Fishing line
- Something to attach the fishing line to your ceiling (e.g. pushpins, thumbtacks, or for some kinds of office ceilings, paperclips)
Optional, if you want a button to start the animation
- Giant button
- Arduino
- Resistor
- Wires
- A second mini USB cable
- Soldering iron
- Soldering mat
- Helping hands for soldering
- Hobby knife
- Wire cutters
- Wire strippers
Options for supports
- Access to a 3D printer
- PCL, a hand-moldable plastic that melts in hot water and solidifies at room temp
- Polymer or air dry clay
- Wood
- Something else... Seriously you do need something otherwise it'll be much more difficult to put together
It was about this point where I got tired of writing up the directions... Hopefully one of these days I'll finish because it was an epic adventure deserving of documentation.